martes, 28 de septiembre de 2010

Keyword Analysis of the online Poker and Gambling Industry

Below you can find a list of all the most searched for keywords related to poker, bingo, ruleta, casino and blackjack. We have found these keywords using tools like Google Keyword Estimator and for this analysis we have only been looking at the Spanish speaking market within Spain.

In the following subsection you can find the results of the top 10 websites in taken on the 1 of September 2010 for each keyword listed below.

The URLs marked as Company A is belonging to the company that dominates the rankings for the Spanish poker industry.

The Company B is the company that seems to be copying the strategy of Company A (creating a great number of sites and linking to their main websites) but as you can see below they are still not as competitive as Company A

Main Keywords in Spanish for Online Poker and Gambling

Poker Gratis
Jugar Poker
Poker Online
Aprender Poker
Descargar poker
Poker Texas Holdem
Reglas de Poker
Bingo Gratis
Descargar Bingo
Bingo Online
Jugar al Bingo
Ruleta (Roulette in Spanish)
Ganar Ruleta
Jugar Ruleta
Ruleta Online
Trucos Ruleta
Casino Online
Casino Gratis
Descargar Casino
Bonos Casino
Blackjack Gratis
Blackjack Online
Jugar Blackjack

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